Wednesday, October 23, 2013

MedTech + Art

This week's topic is quite interesting because it is a combination of three generally unrelated subjects: Medicine, technology and art. When I was in high school, I was always excited for biology class because it was the only chance to dissect living samples and analyze animals' inside body features. According to the professor Vesna's lecture about the dissection, I found a strong relationship between today's art and human anatomy. Due to the knowledge of how protective and flexible skin is, people developed tattoo that can imprint a permanent mark on one's body. And tattoos had been in fashion for decades, which is a significant mark stone in art history.

Moreover, along with the advancement of technology in medical field, doctors not only can rescue lives but beauty as well. Tumors can be removed surgery and wounds can be sewed by needles; however, now teeth can be reshaped by braces and wrinkles can be prohibited by botox. All these progress give the credits to the cooperation among medicine, technology and art. Our world is increasingly embellished with the beauty such cooperative perfection.

Paints can also serve as another great example to illustrate the relationship between medical development and art. In former days when paints are not invented, pictures and graphs can only be in black and white. Thanks to the medical development, including biochemistry and physics, paints and inks are extremely helpful in modern arts and aesthetic presentations.

Isn't the half of the tree on the right more lovely and lively than the other half on the left?

1. Vesna, Victoria. "Lecture 1." Week 4 lectures. University of California Los Angeles Online. Los Angeles, . Address.
2. Facebook, Socialplugin. Muscle with Tattoo. 2012. Photograph. HD WallpaperWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <>.
3. Bonigala, Mash. Color vs. Black and White Photography. 2011. Photograph. Fix This PhotoWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <>.
4. Before and after photo. N.d. Photograph. Orthodontic Specialists of Seguin, P.A., Texas. Web. 23 Oct 2013. <>.
5. Mayo Cliff, Staff. "Botox injections." Mayo Clinic. (2013): n. page. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. <>.

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