Sunday, December 1, 2013

Event 3 Getty Museum

My feeling of the Getty Museum was totally different from that of the other museums I had been before. Unlike other museums, Getty is an art museum that possesses a surprising big area and greatest mountain view. Other museums like Hammer, are mostly indoor and concentrated the presentation of artistic masterpieces of the current era. But Getty contains a collection of "Western art from the Middle Ages to present." It is huge enough to take the train to get to the main center from parking lots. Just to remind those future visitors, although it doesn't require you to buy tickets, there is still a parking fee. So let's start from the beginning of my trip.
The first stop was Abelardo Morell's 'The Universe Nextdoor.' I did some research about Morell. Morell is a Cuba born America, and he  Morell has approached photography with remarkable wit and creativity, examing everyday objects with childlike curiosity.

Morell's primary concept of photography is obscured image that presents the photos in a special perspective that portions of the photo are well focused and the rest parts are obscured to set off the significant parts of the photos. Just like the image above, we can see different perspectives of the man sitting in the couch: through the camera and the lenses. Such technique creates a unique experience when learning the image and the meanings behind it.
Secondly, I spent some time on 'At the Window: The Photographer's View.'

I stared at this picture for quite a while, because I couldn't believe this was not an actual photo taken by camera, instead it was drawn by hand. The eyes were portrayed in such a way that was so attractive and abstract that allures people to wonder what exactly was wholly attracting this lady's attention? And her face appears to be fulfilled with self-conflicting feelings of anxiety and placidity. I admire this masterpiece so much. The hue saturation and color arrangement were undoubtedly perfect and the combination of the two made the photo up to a whole other level.

By the time I was leaving, the nice staff member there asked me if I needed any help or was I looking for something specific, I realized that was a great time to take a memorable photo with him.

The weather on that day was so beautiful that I stayed for another half an hour just to walk around the museum and took some pictures.

It was a great experience exploring the Getty Museum. Everyone! Don't miss out! I would like to share with you about what you think about Getty once you take a chance and visit there!

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